FinancePro Referenceware Library
FinancePro™ from Books24x7®: A Trusted Resource for Financial
Professionals in a Changing Economy
CBT Direct's FinancePro™, a Referenceware® collection from Books24x7®, offers financial professionals instant access to relevant,
reliable information on a variety of financial and accounting topics. FinancePro delivers fully searchable, online content from
popular publishers such as AMACOM, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill and Oxford University Press and is an essential tool for anyone
needing immediate access to financial reference materials. Referenceware’s powerful search engine, coupled with FinancePro’s
comprehensive library, quickly locates the answers professionals need to make better-informed business decisions and deliver projects
on time. In this ever-changing economy, nothing is more important than being able to rely on a resource that provides trusted
information right when it is needed.
FinancePro users can search, browse and view every word, graphic, illustration and table from hundreds of titles covering numerous financial topics, including:
- Accounting
- International Issues
- Investing
- Consolidation and Mergers
- Operations Management
- Investing
- Credit and Loans
- Taxation and Valuation
- Economic Influences
- Ethics
- Venture Capital
- And much more
For a list of titles click here.
Using the FinancePro™ collection from Books24x7, you'll find Quick and Accurate Answers to All Your Financial Questions!
Financial Professionals use Professionals in a Changing Economy FinancePro to find immediate answers to all their financial questions, and to:
- Examine the most timely information regarding Sarbanes-Oxley regulations
- Understand the most effective processes for managing financial operations such as accounts payable and inventory
- Reference valuable information sources on GAAP, financial reporting and accounting systems
- Learn how to best identify and structure strategic alliances and partnerships for your organization
- Research how to prepare and analyze financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS)
- Comprehend the complexities of REITs, hedge funds, portfolio analysis and risk management
- Ensure compliance of internal information systems with industry auditing and GAAP standards
- Broaden your knowledge, as a non-financial manager, of financial concepts

Hundreds of titles are included in CBT Direct's FinancePro from Books24x7 - and these titles are added to on a monthly basis! Plus,
the new book alert feature included in FinancePro ensures that you know when new information has been added. This allows us to
consistently provide content that is timely, comprehensive, up-to-date and informative. Alternatively, Books24x7 RSS feeds enable
users to be kept apprised of new specific-interest content without the need for email messages.